Thursday, October 4, 2007

Leaving Castellina, Finding Some Place Else...

Saturday, September 29, 2007.

Woke with the sun this morning. Had left one of the window shades open, to let the morning light in. Quickly showered, dressed, then went outside to witness dawn in Tuscany. Was not disappointed. Sat by the pool. Wrote in journal. Meditated. Breathed.

Left Fattoria Tregole. Did some driving around the countryside but couldn’t find any wineries that were open. Arrived in Gaiole—tourist info office was closed (wanted to check there for places to stay tonight), so had lunch in the town centre. Had very creamy, very cheesy, very yummy lasagna—prefer not to think about how many calories were ingested.

Finally found winery that was open, on way through to Radda. The Geographico. Sampled wines while the attendant ran back and forth to service the drive-in wine garage—just drive up with your 50 litre jug and fill ‘er up with the hose. Bought some lovely Chianti Vin Santo—a perfect blend of wine and sweetness: kinda like a late harvest, kinda like an ice wine—but not as sweet. Kinda have to experience it to appreciate it. Proceeded to experience as much of it as I could handle.

Drove the rest of the way to Radda, and found a tourist office, only to be told that everything was booked up. Ouch. Attendant called around to a couple of places, then found one that had room. Grabbed it without hesitation, preferring not to sleep in the tiny rental car.

Had picnic dinner on patio of apartment, watched the sunset. Ate fresh fruit, veggies, capicollo, bread, drank wine, finished with cantucci and vin santo. Told ghost stories as the tea lights burned and the light faded from the sky.

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