Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fleeing Florence and the Freaking Rain

Friday, September 28, 2007. Breakfast room, Hotel Azzi.

Florence has become depressing and dreary.

The rest of yesterday was pretty much a wet soggy write-off. I tried going for a couple of walks, one in the morning, and one in the afternoon, but the rain kept coming down, and the thunder was a bit disconcerting, too. Frankly, I find Florence a depressing city when it’s raining. The cold, the wet, the grey. The tourists flock to the museums and churches to escape the rain; finding solace in even the smallest, nondescript church becomes an exercise in crowd control. The cobblestones get slippery and even more difficult to walk on. The dampness gets everywhere, settles in the bones and seeps into the brain.

To keep myself in high spirits, and to shake off the rainy day blues, I’ve been reading Adam and Jen’s blog: If you haven’t read it lately, check it out for some recent updates of their travels in Croatia and Italy. And if you haven’t read it yet, where the heck have you been? Read through & enjoy! Leave a comment or three! (Oh yah, and for you die-hard Lisa fans, there’s a picture of me in there, too. Heh.)

Today, will be fleeing the rain in Florence for more rain in the Tuscan countryside. Tagging along with Adam and Jen, and hoping to visit some wineries for some wine tastings. So if you don’t hear from me in the next few days… you'll know why...


Abe said...

Reading your blog has been a joy. Really looking forward to seeing all your pictures, and hearing your stories.


Unknown said...

hey Lisa! glad to see you're having fun! take care and take lots of pictures :)


Unknown said...

Hey Lisa:

The stories are great - keep them coming and I will not hear the words depressed and Italy together! Have an extra glass of wine for us.


Anonymous said...

Meeting up with you in Florence was so much fun! Thanks for being a little piece of home for us. I won't ruin the stories until you post more, but Florence was only just the beginning....! Glad we got to experience some of the best days of our journey so far with you!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog, Lis. Needless to say, I miss you...I am truly happy for you though. It sounds like such an adventure and a wonderful experience.

hugs and kisses,

~the hermit~

Ellen said...

Hey Lis,

Ok, love the blog and the pics. Sucks about the weather though. Here's hoping the sun comes out for you!! Take care.